Day 6 Saturday, July 20,2013
What goes up, must come down so I guess those who “go away”
must come back home too. Today was “travel
day” which isn’t nearly as much fun as swimming, kayaking and rolling down a
log slide J. The parts of travel I do enjoy are listening
to music, reading and just plain gazing out the window. I think this is how we started our trip:
He's fine by the way!
(Don't tell them that these pictures are on here. Hey, I'm the mom, and this is my blog :)
We woke up early and decided to hit the road and then stop
and get some breakfast along the way…We headed south by 7:00 a.m. and the kids
were “out”. They spent most of the time in the car on the way there and back either watching episodes of Duck Dynasty, sleeping, or mostly reading. They are both voracious readers. :) They finished 5 books between the two of them. We found a little diner in
Gladstone, MI and fueled up for the rest of the ride. I love traveling along Lake Michigan whether
in the U.P. or northern Wisconsin. Every once and a while the lake pops in to
view and then disappears again only to show up a few miles later.
One item on the “to do list” before leaving the U.P. was to
stop at Dobbers. If you aren’t familiar
with Pasties, they are a unique food creation that includes beef, onions,
rutabaga, and potatoes. It’s all wrapped
in a crust similar to a calzone. We eat
ours with ketchup. Some people use
gravy. Time for another fun history fact..... (Hey it’s more interesting than our
6 hour trek back home, trust me.)
Pasties came to the U.P. from Cornwall, England with the
copper mining boom. They became a lunch
favorite of the miners because they were small, portable, very filling, and
could stay warm for 8-10 hours. Who knew?
As you see on the Dobbers sign, a Yooper is a friendly name
for a person that lives in the U.P. A funny bumper sticker we saw said, “ A
yooper would rather be lost in the woods than be found in the city”. That pretty much says it all.
We decided to stop in Walworth, WI (near Lake Geneva) on our way home and get our dog, Kati. Grandma and grandpa Rhines were kind enough to “dog sit” while we were gone. This added time onto the trip but it was worth it. We were able to have some pizza with Aunt Becky and the cousins who are up visiting from Atlanta. We will see more of them this week.
A sure sign we are back in the Midwest; farms, cornfields, and puffy white clouds...
Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!
Well I couldn’t end this “leg” of the blog without one last
I think I will continue to add to the blog. It may not be quite as exciting nor have as
many picturesque photos, but it has been fun to write, and there is something
purposeful about finding the “magic in the mundane”. Letdown is always inevitable after a memorable
vacation or event, but more adventures await us even in the everyday
moments. We are extremely blessed with a warm home, loving and supportive family, and cherished friends, for which we are very grateful. Going back to the title of the
blog; In My Jeans and a Sweatshirt, pretty much describes how I would dress all
the time if I could. (Close right now as it's 67 degrees...down from 87 earlier today)
Life has enough
challenges as it is; I might as well be as comfortable as possible :)
We listened to this song quite a few times on our journey,
so I leave it with you now. Gotta love some CCR. I’ll see you
“Up Around the Bend”.......
Journey On,
Absolutely lovely job!